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New Conversation about Climate Change

Aussie scientists want you to get in on it

Photo by Valentina Abinanti

How can we combat the big oil lobbies and other climate change deniers who stand to lose the most when we all wake up to the serious damage they’re doing to the planet?

The general strategy of these lobbying groups has been to cast doubt wherever they can, to accuse scientists of being part of some global conspiracy, and to obstruct any small pieces of legislation that might be the thin end of the wedge in stemming the tide of global warming.

To help people understand what the real issues are, a group of Australian scientists are launching a two-week “conversation” on a website called The Conversation, in which they’re talking in plain English and setting out to engage people in a discussion of the facts and figures of climate change.

The discussion opens thus:

Like all great challenges, climate change has brought out the best and the worst in people.

A vast number of scientists, engineers, and visionary businessmen are boldly designing a future … in which we strive to hand over a livable planet to posterity. At the other extreme, understandable economic insecurity and fear of radical change have been exploited by ideologues and vested interests to whip up ill-informed, populist rage, and climate scientists have become the punching bag of shock jocks and tabloid scribes.

The next post how and why we know that the climate is changing. And following that is a discussion about why half-measures won’t work and why it’s really time to sound the alarm.

You can follow the discussion here.

What do you say? Are you personally concerned about climate change? Do you believe it will affect your own life and the lives of your kids and grandchildren? How do you feel about it? Let us know in a comment here or on Facebook.

What you can do: Follow the discussion on “The Conversation.” Join a growing movement to solve the climate crisis.