A new relationship with animals, nature and each other.

Contact Information for the Georgia Aquarium

Barnum & Belugas

The captivity industry’s assault on the world’s cutest whales.

Believing in Belugas
From ancient mythology to modern reality.

How the Beluga Business Began
When P.T. Barnum first put belugas on show.

My Life with the Belugas
A former trainer at SeaWorld talks about what it’s like for belugas in captivity.

Smart, Chatty and Chirpy – and That’s Their Problem
A neuroscientist talks about the brains and smarts of belugas.

Visiting with Belugas in the Wild
A scientist meets some solitary dolphins who want to make friends with tourists. That’s not a good idea!

The Legal and Moral Issues
If the Georgia Aquarium gains the permit it seeks, it will open the door to a flood of captures from the wild.

What You Can Do

Contact Information for the Georgia Aquarium.

Questions for the Georgia Aquarium and the NMFS.

Notes and Talking Points for letters, e-mails, phone calls and general discussion


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All the permit application materials regarding the Georgia Aquarium’s beluga import permit application are available at the website of the federal NOAA/NMFS agency. You can submit comments there. And you can contact the the Georgia Aquarium as follows:

David Kimmel, President and Chief Operating Officer

Billy Hurley, Chief Animal Officer & Senior VP, Husbandry

Mailing Address:
225 Baker St NW
Atlanta, Georgia 30313
Phone: 404-581-4000
Email: media@georgiaaquarium.org

Bailey Abercrombie, Public Relations Coordinator (404) 582-4277
Jessica Fontana, Specialist, Public Relations (404) 581-4391
Meghann Gibbons, Director, Public Relations (404) 581-4109
Ashley Landsdale, Manager, Public Relations (404) 581-4251

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/GeorgiaAquarium

Twitter: @GeorgiaAquarium