A new relationship with animals, nature and each other.

Surfing with Dolphins


This is what happens when a good photographer, a surfer and some dolphins all happen to meet up at the same time.

The place was Kalbarri, Australia; the surfer Trent Sherborne, and the photographer Matt Hutton, who just happened to be testing out a new lens for his camera. He told Pete Thomas: [readon]

After an hour of shooting, a pod of dolphins started to follow the surfers in on the big waves so I took the opportunity to try to capture some amazing photos, which I think I was lucky enough to do. The surfer has come forward saying it was a magical experience and something he will never forget.

On Hutton’s Facebook page, Sherborne writes:

Mate, that’s a sick shot and it’s me on that wave with the dolphin! I remember that wave clearly – obviously you don’t get to eyeball a dolphin like that every day!

Other surfers were out there, too, but according to Hutton Sherborne was the only one the dolphins decided to pose with.

(To which I’d only add that you can’t do anything like this at SeaWorld or some other shabby swim-with-dolphins program.)

More photos by Matt Hutton here.