A new relationship with animals, nature and each other.

Dog Found on Floating Wreckage Now Reunited

“I recognized her immediately,” says her dad

The dog who was spotted from a helicopter last week off the coast of Japan as she balanced on the wreckage of a house floating in the ocean has been reunited with her person.

Her name is Ban, and she belongs to a 50-year-old man who lived in Kessenuma, a town that was essentially wiped out by the tsunami three weeks ago. Ban became separated from the family in the chaos that ensued, and the family was evacuated to a shelter in the nearby city of Sendai.

Ban apparently clung to the wreckage of a house that was washed out to sea in the wake of the tsunami. Last week, she was seen running around on the roof of the house when a helicopter crew passed overhead. They tried to rescue her, but the noise of the helicopter frightened her and she disappeared inside through a hole in the roof. A boat was soon dispatched to the scene, and Ban was saved.

Ban’s person said he recognized his dog the moment he saw video of her being hugged by Japanese rescue workers while being unloaded from the boat.

When another member of the family went to Miyagi Animal Care Center to collect her, Ban wagged her tail and jumped up on her.

Here’s some video of the reunion, followed by video of Ban being rescued from the wreckage.

What do you say? Have you ever been involved in a rescue or reunion with an animal? We’d like to hear about it. Let us know on our Facebook page or comment below.

What you can do: The two main organizations that have been involved in rescuing lost pets since the earthquake are Animal Refuge Kansai and Japan Earthquake Animal Rescue and Support. They will both appreciate your donation to the rescue work.