What Really Sparked the War in Syria
Satellite image showing Syria at focal point of Middle East drought. It’s horrific, intractable, seemingly endless … and quite possibly the shape of other wars to…
Miss PoPsicle and the War in Syria
Miss PoPsicle has been following the news from Syria. (Well, sort of.) She certainly knows what it’s like to be caught up as collateral damage in…
Kittens on Slides
Lots of kittens; lots of sliding. [readon] And how to foster kittens. One mama who really gets it.
Want to Sell a Book about Dolphins? Call Them Dumb!
(Sept. 12, 2013: Note: Justin Gregg has responded to this post, saying that he was seriously misquoted in the London Sunday Times article we reference below. So…
Chickens Flying High – Literally!
They’ve spent their whole lives in tiny cages, unable even to spread their wings. But now thousands of them are flying high – to sanctuaries all…
Are You a Martian?
Mars today, and how it may have looked in its early days with what astronomers believe was a large northern ocean. Ladies, you may not,…
Animal Sacrifice and the Day of Atonement
Next week, just before the Day of Atonement, many orthodox Jews will be trying to make their peace with the Almighty by swinging chickens around their…
The Great Cockroach Escape
They call it “traditional medicine.” The million-and-a-half cockroaches in a backyard greenhouse-like facility were going to be ground up and the cockroach “extract” sold as a…
Fish and Sparrows Prefer Bach
Can you tell your Bach from your Stravinsky? The French audience that first heard Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring in Paris in 1913 hated it and almost…
Elephant on Trampoline
Enough with the dogs and goats and bears and kittens. Here comes the heavyweight: (P.S. Yes, yes, it’s just C.G.)
Snuggling Up with the Keystone XL Pipeline
The arguments against digging up the tar sands of the northern U.S. states and Canada and sending the oil through the 1,700-mile Keystone XL pipeline to…
My Three-Eyed Cat?
What is this? Take a guess and then read on:
Martin Luther King on Cruelty to Animals
On this day, 50 years after his “I Have a Dream” speech, some of us wonder what one of the greatest champions of rights might have…
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
Jersey, a chimpanzee at Save the Chimps, is busy checking herself out in a mirror – not very different from what you or I do when…
Naming Storms After Climate Change Deniers
Here’s a splendid notion from an organization called Climate Name Change. They’re proposing that hurricanes and storms should no longer be named after folks like Sandy,…
The 4,000-Year-Old Bog Man
Somewhat off topic, but anyway. These are the mummified remains of a man who was uncovered from a peat bog in Ireland in 2011. It now…
Carriage Horse Owner Admits Lying to Public
The horse on the left is not the real Jerry As the old game show used to say: Will the real carriage horse Jerry please stand…
How Animals Fared in Syria Gas Attack
Hundreds of dead dogs and cats are among the casualties of the gas attack that left 1,700 humans dead in the Damascus suburbs of Zamalka and…