A new relationship with animals, nature and each other.

Posts from the ‘Old News’ category

  • Ringling Caves!

    The elephants are packing their trunks. By any standard, today’s decision by the Ringling Circus to phase out its elephant acts represents a seismic shift in the use of…

  • Collapse of Antarctic Ice Sheet Irreversible

    One of the six major glaciers being eroded from below by warm water What does it mean when two major studies this week tell us that the West Antarctic Ice Sheet is…

  • 2013 Game Changers

    Two events share top prize as game changers for the year just ending: The Nonhuman Rights Project's lawsuits have started a whole new conversation about how we relate to other…

  • Mother Carries Shot Pit Bull to Safety

    It started out as the same hike that Andi Davis does every day to the top of one of the mountains near where she lives in Phoenix, Arizona. But this time, close to the top,…

  • Liberators or Terrorists?

    When 100 people, mostly women from various rescue groups, rescued 178 beagles from a research lab in Brazil last week, nobody called them terrorists. The five security officers…

    Emirates Woman Opens Pet Hotel in Abu Dhabi

    Afra Sultan al Dahiri says she almost gave up setting up her dream of opening a hotel for pets in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. At first, her application for a license was turned down on the grounds that a pet hotel is not listed as an economic or commercial activity there.

    Tiger’s Take on Dog Food

    Tiger the pit bull likes food. Any food. Especially if it’s on his head. His person, Andrew Small of Crystal River, Florida, regularly uploads photos of Tiger with some new food item balanced on his head.

    Wolfgang Puck Says No to Foie Gras

    Renowned California chef Wolfgang Puck has written a letter urging fellow restaurateurs to embrace the state’s upcoming ban on foie gras. The bill, which was signed in 2004, gave restaurants eight years to come up with a humane alternative to the way the “delicacy” is produced.

    Gored Bullfighter Back for More

    Five months ago, in Zaragoza, Spain, the notorious bullfighter Juan Jose Padilla got bested by the bull. It was a grisly scene: the bull, known as Marques, plunged his horn into Padilla’s throat and it emerged out of the man’s eye.

    Big Dinosaurs Had Big Fleas

    In the world of dinosaurs, almost everything was bigger. Even the fleas. Back in the Jurassic Era, some of them were almost one inch long. New flea fossils, up to 165 million years old, have been found in China.

    The Leaf Chaser

    Teddy Bear is so focused on his leaves he is oblivious of other dogs, people, garbage or cars. Often, he chases the leaves to the point of exhaustion or until I pick him up and carry him off. He is The Leaf Chaser.

    Dolphin Party … or Rally!

    A typical dolphin pod, or family, consists of about 12 individuals. So this video is beyond astonishing: roughly 2,000 dolphins all together as they race a whale-watching boat.

    Will Global Warming Make Us All Shorter?

    When the Earth warms up, animals get smaller. That’s what happened 56 million years ago during another time of global warming. Temperatures rose roughly 10 degrees Fahrenheit, and scientists examining the fossils of horses from that time are seeing that to cope with the heat, they began to shrink in size.

    Revenge of the Sharks

    It’s well known by now that sharks have a lot more to fear from humans than the other way round. We’re killing them by the hundreds of millions every year to the point where they’re now close to extinction.

    Happy to Help, but Please Ask First

    There’s more and more evidence that chimps have what scientists call a “theory of mind” – the ability to understand the minds of others. (It was once thought that only humans had this ability.)

    Chimps Are Smart and Altruistic

    Ayumu, who lives at Kyoto University in Japan, is back in the news for his ability to remember the location and order of a set of numbers in less time than it take you to blink – 30 milliseconds, to be precise.

    Humans Are, by Nature, Quite Nice

    But human children — and most higher animals — are “moral” in a scientific sense, because they need to cooperate with each other to reproduce and pass on their genes, he said.