A new relationship with animals, nature and each other.

Posts from the ‘Old News’ category

  • Ringling Caves!

    The elephants are packing their trunks. By any standard, today’s decision by the Ringling Circus to phase out its elephant acts represents a seismic shift in the use of…

  • Collapse of Antarctic Ice Sheet Irreversible

    One of the six major glaciers being eroded from below by warm water What does it mean when two major studies this week tell us that the West Antarctic Ice Sheet is…

  • 2013 Game Changers

    Two events share top prize as game changers for the year just ending: The Nonhuman Rights Project's lawsuits have started a whole new conversation about how we relate to other…

  • Mother Carries Shot Pit Bull to Safety

    It started out as the same hike that Andi Davis does every day to the top of one of the mountains near where she lives in Phoenix, Arizona. But this time, close to the top,…

  • Liberators or Terrorists?

    When 100 people, mostly women from various rescue groups, rescued 178 beagles from a research lab in Brazil last week, nobody called them terrorists. The five security officers…

    Leonardo da Vinci – Animal Protector

    He ate no animals – instead he bought them to set them free. He deplored vivisection. And while other scientists were experimenting on live animals, cutting them up to see how they “worked”, he was drawing their anatomy in greater precision than anyone had ever done before.

    Bye Bye, Birdie

    Two young eagles put up a healthy fight as Dawn Keller, founder of Flint Creek Wildlife Rehabilitation, takes them from their crates and releases them into Starved Rock Nature Reserve in Illinois.

    Nine Months Later . . .

    This is what it should look like next August when Curiosity lands on Mars. It’s the largest E.T. vehicle ever, and will be looking for signs of life, past or present, including carbon molecules, methane gas, even genetic material from primitive life forms.

    Algonquin Kitty Must Be Tied Up

    Note to NYC’s Dept. of Health: You’re more likely to catch something from other guests at the Algonquin Hotel than from Matilda the cat. The city agency has “reminded” the hotel that “pets in food-service facilities” are not allowed — and the Algonquin serves food in its lobby.

    Raven Hails Curiosity on Mars Mission

    “… Three … Two … One … Main engine start … Zero!” And as the engines roar and Curiosity heads out to look for signs of life on Mars, a raven bids her a quick “Safe travels!”

    Meet Grandma

    ONCE upon a time, 3 billion years ago, there lived a single organism called LUCA. It was enormous: a mega-organism like none seen since, it filled the planet’s oceans before splitting into three and giving birth to the ancestors of all living things on Earth today

    Redesigning Bulldogs

    James Serpell, of the University of Pennsylvania, suggests that humans have created the bulldog because it reminds us of ourselves with its crinkly face, huge eyes and wide grin.