Cute Attack
From the Fluffington Post: Cute attack!
From the Fluffington Post: Cute attack!
Along with McDonalds, grocery chains are racing to put distance between themselves and the Sparboe factory farms whose abominable treatment of egg-laying hens was caught in undercover video.
Forty beagles landed at LAX after a long flight from Spain, where they’d been rescued from a vivisection laboratory. Thirty-two more had already been placed in homes in Europe. According to Gary Smith of the Beagle Freedom Project:
The web is crawling with video of an octopus climbing out of the ocean for a painstaking walk over the rocks before sliding back into a ocean. Along the way, she drops a crab. Onlookers say she was leaving them a gift. (Why do we we humans assume everything is about us?)
“Counter-walking cats,” you write, “should be kept out of the kitchen during preparation and during dinner when the extra food is just sitting there.” A reader of your column just sent us this video of Mackinaw Queenie and Kenzie in the kitchen:
Morgan’s arrival at the amusement park follows a long court dispute between commercial interests and animal protection groups.
When you’ve had enough sugary fare and football this Thanksgiving weekend, check out Shark Attack Experiment LIVE on Nat Geo WILD this Friday evening, November 25.
Although holidays often buzz with fun and commotion, they can be scary, or even downright dangerous, for cats. However, a host can make a Thanksgiving Day celebration safe for cats relatively easily with a few simple precautions.
The first 60 penguins have been released from the Wildlife Recovery Centre at Mount Maunganui beach this afternoon.
When the managing director of a wind farm company introduced himself to Britain’s Prince Philip at a London reception, he got a blast of hot air back. “He said [wind farms] were absolutely useless, completely reliant on subsidies and an absolute disgrace,” said Esbjorn Wilmar of Infinergy.
He’s a mega-star known for his charity work. But it doesn’t extend to nonhumans. Matt Damon was spotted in the crowd at a bull fight in Mexico City yesterday.
A month after police killed 48 big cats and other animals near a private zoo in Zanesville, Ohio, a study group is proposing a ban on new ownership of wild animals, including venomous snakes, monkeys, and tigers.
In case you’ve missed it so far, this is Get Smart About Antibiotics Week. That means the Centers for Disease Control is trying to warn us all about the danger that’s posed by our growing resistance to antibiotics.
The new Seven Natural Wonders began with 440 nominees, and involved two years of voting by millions of people around the world. And now a new list has been unveiled.
Beautiful and captivating photo submissions for the National Geographic Photo Contest 2011.
McDonalds has announced that it is dropping the factory where its eggs are produced after an undercover investigation revealed “significant and serious violations” at one of the country’s biggest egg companies, Sparboe Farms.
When he arrived on the scene, Dep. Swartz found the deer standing dazed in the middle of the roadway. She was so still that at first he thought she was a decoy.
Daniel, the dog who survived the gas chamber at a county pound in Alabama has found his new forever home in New Jersey.
It’s the holy grail of animal protection and one of the key ways to protect the planet: cultured meat, grown in laboratories from cultured animal cells. And it’s coming closer.
Fossil hunters in Mongolia have unearthed what is the largest known nest of baby dinosaurs – 15 of them in a bowl-shaped area just over two feet wide.