Animal Soldiers Go Hi-Tech
Bottlenose dolphins are trained to alert their navy partners to protect ships and harbors from terrorists, to search out mines and leave an acoustic transponder close by so divers can then find the weapon’s location.
Bottlenose dolphins are trained to alert their navy partners to protect ships and harbors from terrorists, to search out mines and leave an acoustic transponder close by so divers can then find the weapon’s location.
Rescuers were hopeful that up to 100 pilot whales had been able to find their way out of the dangerously shallow Loch Carnan and back to the ocean.
Behavioral biologist Denise Herzing has been visiting dolphins in the ocean for 20 years and she may be close to establishing advanced communication.
It seems admirable, at first blush, that SeaWorld is helping stranded pilot whales. They have experience in treating captive whales and dolphins. The true picture, however, is a little darker.
When a humpback whale sings a new love song, other whales are listening. And any given song may become a hit as it gets passed along.
As Tilikum the killer whale goes back on show at SeaWorld, the family of Dawn Brancheau, the trainer whom he killed violently and shockingly last year during a performance, has broken a year of public silence.
It used to be somewhat easier for marine circuses and other animal businesses to keep deaths, injuries and other mishaps out of the spotlight, those days are long gone.
The dog was in danger of drowning when dolphins came to the rescue. Why do they go out of their way to make friends and protect us and our pets from trouble?
The dog was in danger of drowning when dolphins came to the rescue. Why do they go out of their way to make friends and protect us and our pets from trouble?
Turbo couldn’t be found anywhere; he was in the canal. Without help, he would surely have drowned. But Turbo was lucky: there were dolphins in the canal!
“Is there any other being that bundles together so many extremes?” asks biologist Hal Whitehead, whose life is devoted to studying the language and culture of these magnificent animals
The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society has been patrolling the Southern Ocean for several years, getting in the way of huge Japanese whaling ships and making an excellent nuisance of themselves. This week, they claimed victory!
These nets create havoc for wildlife, catching fish and other animals – from shrimp to turtles to whales – who then have no way out. This whale got some help
Their lives, their intelligence and how they’re exploited. A year ago, Tilikum the orca killed one of his trainers at SeaWorld. Much has been revealed since then
Dolphin protection groups are crying foul at SeaWorld’s latest maneuver to prevent information about the circumstances surrounding the death of orca trainer Dawn Brancheau from being made public.
A year after the death of SeaWorld trainer Dawn Brancheau at SeaWorld Orlando, two former trainers have published a report detailing what life is like for orcas (also known as killer whales) in captivity.
A year after SeaWorld trainer Dawn Brancheau was killed by the 6-ton captive orca, Tilikum, the corporation is getting ready to open a new killer-whale show at its three U.S. marine circuses.
It took almost a month, but an expert team of whale biologists have finally freed a North Atlantic right whale who was tangled up in fishing lines and ropes and wire mesh off the coast of Florida
In a series of cables sent from the U.S. embassy in Tokyo and made public by WikiLeaks, we learn that Japan asked the U.S. to take…
We all know that pets and other animals are good for our health. Or are they? Psychologist and author Hal Herzog has looked through the medical evidence and has some surprising conclusions. Michael Mountain writes about this in his latest blog